You Ask, We Answer, #AskVydia

The music video distribution and monetization world can be confusing, but that is why Vydia is here to help. Not only are we streamlining the way your content is distributed, we are creating a platform to manage all of your video content in one place. Pretty cool right? We want to educate all our users about their digital rights, get them set up with Content ID and stay ahead of this fast-paced industry. With that comes a ton of questions, as there should be! There is a lot of information out there so the more questions you ask, the better!

As we see our clients and artists question’s rolling in, we want to educate as many people as we can! So all your questions inspired us to create a YouTube Show, The #AskVydia Show, of course.

Now users take to social media and use the hashtag #AskVydia to ask the Vydia team all their questions. We have seen great questions about the best ways to use the platform, how to manage digital rights, best distribution methods and more.

Have a question for the Vydia team? Just use #AskVydia on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and look forward to the answer in a future episode!

Check out the latest episodes to see if we answered your questions!

The Vydia Team is always here to help, so keep the questions coming! Remember to use the hashtag #AskVydia on all social media platforms, subscribe to our YouTube Channel and leave some comments too! The more you ask, the more you know!