You’ve created a few great videos, but you want to really make a name for yourself. Becoming easily recognizable is not the easiest task and requires the creation of a consistent image. Personal branding is vital for grounding, sustaining, and building upon the success you’ve already accomplished.
Why You Should Develop a Personal Brand:
Establishing your personal brand will help you stand out from your competitors and build your credibility as a content creator. Producing videos and putting them online does not mean that people will automatically see them. You need to take the step forward in making sure that you, as an artist, are notable and can stand alone from your content. Many creators in the past have developed distinguishable personas in order to set them apart. For example, back in the 1960s, the Beatles used their distinctive style to separate themselves from the rest of the rock world. While most rock bands like; the Rolling Stones and The Who, wore tight leather or minimal clothing, the Beatles owned the clean cut, suit-and-tie look that helped make them famous. Creating a consistent image will help build your credibility and recognition as an established influencer.
How to Create a Personal Brand:
When viewers think of your name, an image should pop in their heads that they associate with you. Building a physical image for yourself is the first step in creating a memorable personal brand. Danielle “Cash Me Outside” Bregoli is a great example of a social influencer that is owning her physical personal brand. Her ‘tough-girl” persona is prevalent in the way she speaks, dresses, and every action she takes. The consistency of her personal brand has helped garner her success led her to become the brand ambassador for a variety of brands like Qwil, Fit Tea, and Postmates.
How to Effectively Market Your Brand:
Before putting your personal brand out there, do your research. Look into your competitors and see how they present themselves. Pinpoint specific qualities that make you stand out, and build a marketing strategy around them. Remember consistency is key. In order to stay organized, make a list of every place your brand is present, including every social media site, streaming platform, and website you promote your content on. Once your list is created, you will want to write a brief creator biography that illustrates your personal brand and the career you have developed so far. Make sure you are able to tailor this message for every platform, because of some websites, like Twitter, have character limits. Most importantly, you will want to include your social banners, to add a visual touch to your profiles.
If you’re looking for design help to create your rock-star banner, check out our Social Media Design Package! This package will connect you with Vydia’s top designers that will use your provided artwork to produce custom banners for your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Vevo profiles. Vydia’s Social Media package is currently available for all users and can be accessed on Step 4 “Additional Services” during the Publish or Distribute workflows. Here is our designer’s sample work:

Now that you understand all the perks of personal branding, it’s time to make yourself known to the world. Get creative with your brand, and let Vydia take care of the rest.