On Thursday, February 23rd the New Jersey Tech Council hosted Innovative Forecast 2017 held at Bell Works. The annual event focuses on innovations being developed by the state’s most promising companies. The represented businesses ranged from small to medium emerging startups to large well-established companies, including Siemens, Stryker, Brother International, Vonage, 5 Elements Robotics and more.

According to NJ Tech Council President Jim Barrood, the selection of Bell Works (and home of the Vydia office) to host the event was symbolic to its overall goal: to connect New Jersey’s top tech talent at the legendary tech hub. During its 100 year history, Bell Labs has won eight Nobel Prizes for its inventions and discoveries. Bell Labs history and future were well represented at the event as Marcus Weldon, President of Nokia Bell Labs, provided the keynote address while current Bell Works tenet, Vydia, was a featured guest.

The 2017 Innovative Forecast showcased local talent, creating innovative technology marketed towards the growing fields of video, medicine, and life science. The event was split into 3 parts that included company presentations, panel discussions, and networking opportunities. Featured during the technology presentations was Vydia Co-Founder and CEO, Roy LaManna, who gave an overview of the company’s rapid expansion before diving into a user case study to illustrate the latest advancements in their video technology. LaManna went into detail about how the Vydia platform providing even more protection for its user’s intellectual property as the online video landscape continues to expand.

The New Jersey Tech Council is a private, nonprofit membership organization that supports the state’s growing technology, innovation, and entrepreneurial ecosystems. By providing business development, education, networking, and recognition opportunities, NJTC celebrates its 20th Anniversary as it continues to nurture and expand New Jersey’s growing tech community.

Read more about the event in this article published by NJBIZ or watch the highlight reel at NJTVNEWS.