Interested in expanding your team to cover more ground in our platform? Vydia’s new user roles allow you to assign certain permissions to better manage your clients and their catalogs. Keep reading to learn which functionalities Label Owners, Label Admins, and Label Clients can access.


  • Label Owner: Label Owners are the main administrative account tied to the label. The Owner can view all data across the label including payment information, content, analytics, revenue, conflicts, claims, and more. In addition, all of the label’s revenue splits will route to the bank information specified on the Owner’s account. There is only one Owner per label.
  • Label Admin: An Admin account has full access to the label. They can access Clients’ and the Owner’s account via observer mode and add new users. Admins can also view all data across the label including payment information, content, analytics, revenue, conflicts, claims, and more. Please note, Admins cannot have creators or content on their own account, however they can upload content and create releases on behalf of Clients and the Label Owner.
  • Label Client: Clients are the traditional end users for a label. A Client is able to log in, upload their own content, and view data related to their own account. This includes analytics, revenue reporting, conflicts, claims, and more.



As your label scales, Vydia’s roles and permissions give you more control and access to manage clients’ releases and provide more visibility on revenue and performance analytics. Having a team that can manage these permissions within one label workspace will increase efficiency and productivity throughout your label. 


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