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The International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) is a unique, 12 character code that identifies specific sound recordings and/or music videos. As a Vydia user, if you do not have ISRCs for your content, we can create them for you at no additional cost. For more information on ISRCs, please click here.

Vydia’s technology streamlines content and metadata ingestion to ensure it meets partner specifications. In order to further expedite this process, before you distribute your next video, be sure you have the following:

  • High-definition .mov or .mp4 file type (at least 1920×1080 or 1280×720 or higher).
  • ISRC (Don’t have one? You will be prompted to create a unique ISRC within the video distribution workflow.)
  • UPC (Don’t have one? You will be prompted to create a unique UPC within the video distribution workflow.)

Vydia’s technology streamlines content and metadata ingestion to ensure it meets partner specifications. In order to further expedite this process, be sure you have the following before creating your next release.

  • High-quality .WAV or .FLAC files (minimum 24-bit)
  • Square album artwork (at least 1400 x 1400 pixels; however, the ideal size is 3000 x 3000 pixels)
  • ISRCs & UPCs (Don’t have these? Vydia’s technology can generate a unique ISRC and UPC within the audio distribution workflow)